Beautiful long hair care

Long hair makes a woman feel feminine, beautiful, attractive and glamorous. Practically all women, at some tim51ac3c9b102c320417e in their lives, want to grow their hair really long. And almost all men want their woman to have long hair. If you have long hair then it is true you have to take care for your hair and have to devote exclusive time for hair care. Having a healthy, shiny and beautiful hair takes a commitment to continuing care. Besides professional cutting or trimming every two months to promote natural bounce and remove split ends, giving long hair special attention at home each day will help Continue reading

Hair accessories

1-(32)Compliment your hair and your hairstyle by using hair accessories that look attractive and helps create a perfect hairdo. Hair accessories come in different attractive shapes, size and styles. You can use striking and cute hair pins like butterfly clips and also pick up ruffles, beads, (faux) diamonds, vibrant coloured feathers, colourful hair bands etc.
Points to consider while choosing hair accessories:

First and foremost whatever accessory you use be Continue reading

Dealing with hair loss

hair_lossLoss of hair at a very tender age has become a common disorder these days. Hair loss can be because of number of problems but the main cause according to scientists is a progressive condition known as androgenetic alopecia or common hereditary hair loss. In androgenetic alopecia, combination of heredity, hormones and age causes progressive shrinking or miniaturization of certain hair follicles which result in no hair growth at all after certain period of time. Usually we lose about 100 hair per day, after a few months, a new Continue reading

Hair care

First and foremost, always comb your hair gently to prevent breakage. Hair is at its weakest when Healthy-hair_Shutterstock400wet. So never brush your hair when wet. As far as possible let your hair dry naturally. Use dryers only when you are pressed for time or when you want to set them for an occasion. Detangle your hair before you wash it. Wet hair is very fragile so brush your hair thoroughly before getting into the shower. Continue reading